Statistics and data analysis in geology / Davis, John C.
II Congreso Lationamericano de Geologíaa, Caracas, Venezuela, 11 al 16 de noviembre de 1973. Excursión Nº1: Cordillera de los Andes / Congreso Latinoamericano de Geología (2nd : 1973 : Caracas, Venezuela).
Aerial photographs and their applications / Smith, H. T. U. (Harold Theodore Uhr), 1908-1973.
An introduction to sedimentology / Selley, Richard C., 1939-
Backbone of the Americas, tectonic history from pole to pole : a symposium / Childs, Orlo E., 1914-1996, ed.
Basic problems in geotectonics / Belousov, V. V. (Vladimir Vladimirovich), 1907-
Cahiers ORSTOM Série géologie. vol. 1, núm. 3 / Instituto Francés de Investigación Científica para el Desarrollo en Cooperación.
Classification of carbonate rocks : a symposium arranged by the Research Committee of the American Association of Petroleum Ge / Ham, William E. (William Eugene), ed.
Crust of the Earth : a symposium / Poldervaart, Arie, 1918-1964, ed.
Dana's Manual of mineralogy / Hurlbut, Cornelius S.
Deltaic and shallow marine deposits : proceedings of the Sixth International Sedimentological Congress, the Netherlands and Belgium-1963 / International Sedimentological Congress.
Diálogo con la tierra: peregrinaciones de un geólogo por el mundo y por la vida / Cloos, Hans, 1885-1951.
Earth flexures: their geometry and their representation and analysis in geological section with special reference to the problem of oil finding / Busk, Henry Gould.
Earth photographs from Gemini VI through XII
Elementary gravity and magnetics for geologists and seismologists / Nettleton, L. L. (Lewis Lomax), 1896-
Eruptive rocks / Shand, S. James (Samuel James), 1882-1957.
Field geology / Lahee, Frederic H. (Frederic Henry), 1884-1968.
Geological and geophysical investigations of continental margins / Watkins, Joel S., 1932-2016 ed.
Geología del Perú / Steinmann, G.
Geomorphology, systematic and regional / Engeln, O. D. von (Oscar Diedrich), 1880-1965.
Geometry of sandstone bodies / Peterson, James A. ed.
Geological field-trips, Colombia, 1959-1978 / Colombian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists.
Geologic basins / Foster, Norman H. comp.
Geologia do Brasil / Oliveira, Avelino Ignacio de, 1891-
Geochemistry / Beaumont, E. A. (Edward A.) comp.
Giants of geology / Fenton, Carroll Lane, 1900-1969.
Glossary of geology and related sciences: a cooperative project of the American Geological Institute / American Geological Institute.
Handbook of South American geology an explanation of the geologic map of South America / Jenks, William F. (William Furness), 1842-1881, ed.
History of the earth : an introduction to historical geology / Kummel, Bernhard, 1919-1980.
Index fossils of North America : a new work based on the complete revision and reillustration of Grabau and Shimer's "North American index fossils / Shimer, Hervey Woodburn, 1872-1965.
Internal constitution of the earth / Gutenberg, Beno, 1889-1960 ed.
Invertebrate paleontology / Easton, William H. (William Heyden), 1916-1996.
Jurassic geology of the world / Arkell, William Joscelyn, 1904-1958.
Nazca Plate : crustal formation and Andean convergence : a volume dedicated to George P. Woollard / Kulm, LaVerne D., 1936-.
North American geosynclines / Kay, Marshall, 1904-1975.
Nuestro enigmático planeta : una introducción a la geología / Brewster, Edwin Tenney, 1866-
Origin of granite: Conference at meeting of the Geological Society of America held in Ottawa, Canada, December 30, 1947 / Geological Society of America.
Outlines of structural geology / Hills, E. Sherbon (Edwin Sherbon).
Plate tectonics : continental drift and mountain building / Frisch, Wolfgang.
Principios de petrología : introducción al estudio de las ciencias de las rocas / Tyrrell, G. W. (George Walter), 1883-
Principles of physical geology / Holmes, Arthur.
Principles of sedimentology / Friedman, Gerald M.
Principles of stratigraphy / Grabau, Amadeus W. (Amadeus William), 1870-1946.
Principles of structural geology / Nevin, Charles Merrick, 1892-1975.
Principles of sedimentation / Twenhofel, William Henry.
Regional aspects of carbonate deposition : a symposium sponsored by the Society of Economic Palaeontologists and Mineralogists / Breeding, Julia G., ed.
Rocks and rock minerals / Pirsson, Louis V.
Sedimentary facies in geologic history / Longwell, Chester R.
Sedimentary rocks / Pettijohn, F. J.
Sedimentology of some Flysch deposits; a graphic approach to facies interpretation / Bouma, Arnold H.
Stratigraphy and sedimentation / Krumbein, William Christian.
Stratigraphic geology / Gignoux, Maurice, 1881-1955.
Stratigraphic principles and practice / Weller, J. Marvin (James Marvin)
Stratigraphic traps in sandstones--exploration techniques / Busch, Daniel A. (Daniel Adolph), 1912-2007.
Structural concepts and techniques / Foster, Norman H.
Structural geology of folded rocks / Whitten, Eric Harold Timothy.
Structural methods for the exploration geologist and a series of problems for structural geology students / Badgley, Peter C.
Subsurface mapping / Bishop, Margaret S.
Tectonics / Goguel, Jean.
Tectonics and sedimentation : based on a symposium sponsored by the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists : [papers] / Dickinson, William R.
The deformation of the Earth's crust : an inductive approach to the problems of diastrophism / Bucher, Walter H.
The evolution of the igneous rocks / Bowen, Norman Levi, 1887-1956.
The Harvey Bassler collection of Peruvian fossils / Willard, Bradford, 1894-1973.
The microscopic determination of the nonopaque minerals / Larsen, Esper S. (Esper Signius), 1879-1961.
Treatise on sedimentation: Prepared under the auspices of the Committee on Sedimentation, Division of Geology and Geography, National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences / Twenhofel, William Henry.
Volcanes y terremotos / Harrington, Horacio J.